React 18 introduces a performance-boosting feature, automatic batching, designed to optimize the rendering process. This feature allows React to group multiple state updates together, triggering a single re-render instead of two separate re-renders. This improves performance by minimizing unnecessary re-renders, common in prior React versions. Let's explore how automatic batching in React now works and how it benefits React developers.
React's event handlers are crucial for automatic batching. Before React 18, React only batched, updates triggered by native event handlers like onClick or onChange. Now, with it even updates within asynchronous operations like setTimeout or Promises are batched.
For example, a React component that updates its state both synchronously and asynchronously will still react batched and trigger only a single re-render, resulting in better performance.
import React, { useState } from 'react';
export default function App() {
const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
const [name, setName] = useState("");
const handleClick = async () => {
setCount(count + 1); // Synchronous state update
setName("John"); // Synchronous state update
// Simulate an async operation
setTimeout(() => {
setCount(count + 1); // Asynchronous state update
}, 1000);
return (
<button onClick={handleClick}>Update</button>
In the above example, React will batch all state updates, including the asynchronous update triggered by setTimeout. This results in a single re-render, as in the above example as opposed to the previous behavior where three separate re-renders occurred.
Before React 18, two separate re-renders occurred for each state update, even if they happened within the same event handler. This led to performance bottlenecks and inefficient rendering, especially when asynchronous operations (like API calls) were involved. React introduced automatic batching to batch all state updates together, leading to a single re-render and better performance.
When many state updates occur within the same event handler or during async operations, React groups these updates and triggers a single render. This reduces the number of times React needs to update the DOM, improving the performance of the application.
In the example above, when the button is clicked, we update the state in multiple places. Without automatic update batching, React would perform three separate re-renders for each of the state updates, which can be very inefficient. But with automatic update batching in React 18, React groups these state updates into a one-time render, resulting in better performance.
Automatic batching reduces unnecessary re-renders, which are one of the biggest contributors to performance bottlenecks in React. By grouping multiple state updates, React introduced automatic batching that ensures that the DOM is updated only once, even if the user triggers several updates in a short time frame. This becomes especially beneficial in scenarios involving async operations.
For instance, imagine a scenario where an application asynchronously loads data from an API. Without automatic update batching, each state update might trigger a re-render, leading to severe performance issues due to unnecessary re-renders for each state change. Automatic update batching addresses this by consolidating all the state updates into a single re-render, reducing the time spent on rendering and improving the overall user experience.
React can handle various other event types of events, such as:
User input (e.g., typing in a text box)
Event handlers (e.g., button clicks)
Web API interactions (e.g., fetching data)
Previously, React only batched state updates triggered by event handlers like clicks or form submissions. However, automatic update batching allows React to batch execute state updates, not just from event handlers, but also from async operations such as setTimeout, Promises, and async/await functions.
For example, if a state update occurs inside a setTimeout or an asynchronous API call, React will batch these updates and trigger a single re-render. This makes the application more efficient and responsive, especially when dealing with real-time data or other time-consuming operations.
With automatic batching, React JS applications can see significant improvements in performance due to the following example:
Reduced unnecessary re-renders: Automatic batching ensures that each React component only triggers one re-render even if multiple state updates happen in quick succession. This can drastically reduce the workload on the React DOM, ensuring smoother performance, particularly in larger applications.
Simplified code: Developers no longer have to manually optimize batching or manage when to trigger re-renders. This simplification can lead to fewer bugs and easier-to-maintain code.
Faster UI updates: Since React minimizes the number of re-renders, UI updates become more efficient. This is especially important for complex applications with lots of state updates and heavy components.
Better handling of async operations: With automatic update batching, async operations like API calls or user input (such as typing or scrolling) can be processed efficiently without causing unnecessary re-renders or delays in rendering.
In React 18, automatic batching was introduced as a default behavior for most updates, including those triggered by asynchronous operations. However, React still provides developers the flexibility to disable automatic update batching in certain scenarios. For example, when using React's Strict Mode or handling specific state updates that should not be batched together, React allows you to stop automatic batching.
This feature helps in fine-tuning browser console performance and ensuring that urgent updates (such as form submissions or button clicks) are processed efficiently while non-urgent updates (such as loading data in the browser console or background) can still be batched for performance optimization.
React DOM contains method called flushSync() allows us to force a re rendered for specific state update. Let's understand it with an example
import {useState} from 'React'
const App = () => {
const[toggle,setToggle] = useState(false);
const[count,setCount] = useState(0);
const handleClick = () => {
flushSync(() => {
setCount(count => count+1);
setToggle(toggle => !toggle);
<button onClick={handleClick}>Click</button>
Automatic batching is an amazing feature that helps React developers build high-performance applications by optimizing the re-rendering process. Grouping the multiple state updates into a single re-render, React reduces the number of DOM updates, which leads to faster performance and better user experience.
Since it also applies to asynchronous operations, it handles complex scenarios like API requests and user input much more efficiently, making it easier to develop React JS applications with minimal performance bottlenecks.
As React evolves, the impact of features like automatic batching on performance will only continue to grow, making React a highly reliable and efficient library for building dynamic user interfaces. With automatic batching now part of the core framework, React applications will see more optimal re-rendering and fewer unnecessary state updates, ultimately contributing to a smoother and more responsive web experience.
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