Comparison Between Next.js vs React

    Tuesday, August 24, 202115 min read15241 views
    Comparison Between Next.js vs React

    One of the primary significant decisions one should make prior to starting a project is figuring out which platform to utilize. Many individuals battle to recognize the distinction among Next.js and React. Aside from picking a suitable platform for the project, it is important to figure out which web app development philosophy will turn out best for the current project.

    Developing any project is a daunting and overwhelming endeavor in itself, yet contemporary innovation can assist with making the process go all the more easily. You can focus on your business targets on account of them. 

    In this article, we will be going over the two most well-known React applications developers. There are two alternatives for developing new React applications in 2021. After having compared React vs Vue vs Angular, we are going to walk you through the comparison between ReactJs vs NextJs. We will look at their background histories, what they are, their pros and cons so you can undoubtedly pick the best depending on your preferences. Let's have a look at what the Next.js vs React battle can bring us! 



    Next.js is a framework developed by Vercel. It is an open-source dependent on Node.js and Babel and coordinates with React for creating single-page applications. This makes the server-side rendering relatively simple. More than that, Next.js supports static export, pre-delivering and has a lot more pleasant features like programmed building size optimization, quicker developer aggregation, and a preview mode. 

    The current version of Next.js is something that React has been missing for quite a while. It has all the usefulness you need to make for an application. Also, the documentation is extraordinary, and it's getting increasingly popular with front-end designers. Next.js is doing really well, yet that doesn't mean you ought to consistently utilize this framework. 


    Reactjs was initially made by Facebook, and today has become quite possibly the most famous front-end library. Reactjs is quite possibly the most utilized JavaScript framework. Quite some time ago, React overwhelmed the JS world and turned into its undisputed leader. Now every React development company suggests utilizing a receptive methodology and functional programming paradigm that makes ReactJs more of a library and less of a framework. Hence the need for the creation of your own workflow arose and that workflow is now called Next.js.

    Comparison React vs Next.js: Which One Works for You?

    Nextjs vs React - Overview

    Elements React Nextjs
    Easiness and speed of Coding Fast coding with CRA You write less code with easier projects to follow.
    Features Easily extensible, routing, management patterns Static export, automatic building size optimization, faster developer compilation.
    Performance Decent because of the lack of code spitting results.  Fast because of server side rendering and static sites. 
    Documentation  Well- written Well- written
    Talent Pool Broad Narrow
    Community Large and friendly. Small but friendly.
    Development cost Low Low
    Easiness to learn Easy  Easy

    Next.js vs React: Speed and easiness of Coding

    Assuming you need to make pages for a React project, you should make a segment and afterward add it to the router. Assuming you need to make pages for the Next.js project, you just add the page to the pages folder and the necessary header component link. This makes your life simpler in light of the fact that you write less code, and the project is not difficult to follow. 

    If you've just started to use React, Create React App is an extraordinary method to learn it. The CRA gives you an early advantage assuming you need to utilize React to create a Single Page Application (SPA). 

    In the study of Reactjs vs nextjs, The Create React App is just liable for making the front-end assembly, you can utilize it with a server of your choice, like Node. You ought to also know that CRA utilizes Babel and Webpack in the engine, however, no information is needed about them. 

    At the end of the day, Create React App is a tool that saves you the problem of setting up and altering your development environment. You should simply run one command that will set up the tools you need to run your React project. So rather than wasting time on customization, you can promptly focus on building your application.

    Next.js vs React: Performance 

    One of the main differences between Nextjs vs Reactjs is performance. Applications developed with Next.js are amazingly quick on account of static destinations and server side delivering. They are viable of course because of a large group of performance enhancement features, for example, Image Optimization presented in Next 10.

    nextjs vs react performance

    Hence if you pick Next.js, you can profit from automatic server rendering and code parting (which will further develop performance). Additionally, SSR (Server Side Rendering) will incredibly work on the performance of your application.

    Talking about React, on the other hand, there are things that rule it out of the discussion. Out of the box, it just backs up client side rendering, which isn't sufficient assuming you need to assemble an high-performance application. 

    Next.js vs React: Documentation

    This is the most overlooked section when it comes to comparison between NextJs vs ReactJs. While the popular landing page of certain frameworks may get your attention, you actually need extra courses, books, instructional exercises, and articles beyond the exhausting and dry documentation to kick you off.

    In any product project, great documentation can truly assist you with utilizing the tools, sorting out which libraries to utilize, and so forth. There are incredible docs alternatives accessible for both React and Next.js.

    Next.js has a "learn-by-doing" documentation set that strolls you through things like directing and component creation. React also has a comparable setup, with a few instructional exercises that clarify the basics. 

    Next.js vs React: Community

    nextjs vs react performance

    There are other reasons why you may pick a famous, broadly utilized framework. What happens when you run into an issue, and the communities truly don't have anybody to go to for help? Since you are simply the docs yourself, the odds are acceptable that you will waste a lot of time. 

    Reactjs features an extraordinary community of developers who have made some blog entries, YouTube recordings etc. You can also discover content on Stack Overflow and surprisingly in the React docs themselves. It required long periods of development for the library to mature.

     As for Next.js vs Reactjs, there are less conventional exercises and more inquiries and discussions from GitHub. The Next.js team members themselves are entirely available in the open-source world.

    There are many key patrons in the React community who are accessible as well. In both React and Next.js, a functioning community gives an exceptionally positive developer experience. 

    Next.js vs React: Server-side rendering

    ReactJs doesn't support server-side rendering, however, it is possible to configure it. It simply requires more work to arrange SSR with your favored server and setup. However,  the dev team might not support this in the future rendition.

    NextJs supports SSR out of the box. It fetches data and renders for each request everytime you need to serve a different view for different users.

    React Nextjs
    Server side rendering Doesn't support server side rendering but can allow configurations. Supports server side rendering.
    Maintainability Easy to maintain Easy to maintain
    Typescript Supports using using ‘npx create-react-app my-app --template typescript’ Supports using ‘touch tsconfig.json.’
    Configurability  Doesn't have a lot of room for configuration. Configures everything.

    Next.js vs React: Configurability

    Another simple difference between Reactjs vs nextjs is that Reactjs doesn't have a lot of room for configuration. You cannot change the configurations unless you stray away from normal CRA. Technically you will need to use what is already configured in the read-scripts of CRA.

    As with the Nextjs everything is almost configurable. You can configure files like babelrc, jest.config, eslintrc etc, from the NextJs templates.

    Next.js vs React: Maintainability

    In this scenario, both Reactjs and NextJs have very opinionated CRAs. They are well maintained and they release updates frequently. You will just need to stay updated with the releases.

    Next.js vs React: Typescript

    ReactJs supports and initializes CRA app with typescript by using ‘npx create-react-app my-app --template typescript’

    NextJS supports typescript and configurations with touch tsconfig.json.

    Next.js vs React: Easiness to Learn

    To come clean, a well-written and clearly composed learning resource will significantly cut your expectation to absorb information. What's more, if your technology has a cluster of guides, recordings, or courses - you are lucky. As for React vs Next.js it's already mentioned that both of them have first class learning materials. React has an exceptionally low degree of difficulty. However, utilizing Next.js requires a little preparation, but even developers new to the front-end world can begin relatively quickly. 

    Next.js vs React: Cost of Development

    Neither Next.js nor React enter the list of the top-paying Innovations. In addition, both are open-source, which means free. In this manner, developing an application with any of these solutions will not cost you a fortune. The single difference between React vs Next.js is that you need some an ideal opportunity to discover experienced Next.js devs or give a couple of days to surf through numerous React software developers.

    Next.js vs React: Talent Pool

    While comparing ReactJs vs Nextjs, it is evitable that there is no sense in comparing this area, given the huge popularity of React. React is the clear winner here. 

    Each Next.js developer needs to know React, each React developer needs to know JavaScript, as those are pieces based on top of one another and it's basically impossible to utilize React without JavaScript, and it's absolutely impossible to utilize React without Next.js, so there's no chance of Next.js truly being a leader while comparing React JSvs Next.js. Finding a React developer is a piece of cake as opposed to NextJs. The more specific devs are available, the more chances to scale your project you'll have.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    Advantages of using Next.js

    • For applications built with NextJs, it turns out to be staggeringly fast because of server-side rendering and static site creation.
    • One of the objectives of Vercel, the organization behind Next.js, was to make the deployment as simple as possible to deliver React applications.
    • In cases where you need to bundle your application with third-party APIs, you ordinarily need a native API, and Next.js makes it simple to assemble. Next.js offers API routes that will do all that stuff.
    • While the CRA arrangement is tricky, Next.js makes it simple by permitting you to add Babel plugins or Webpack loaders.

    Disadvantages of using Next.js

    • Considering Next.js is confined to utilizing just a file router. you can't change the manner in which it works with routes. Going ahead, you'll require a Node.js server for using dynamic routes
    • If you later need to utilize a router other than its own, you will find that it isn't adaptable

    Advantages of Using React

    • It has a decent set of documentation, instructional exercises, and resources. A developer with JavaScript experience can undoubtedly comprehend and begin building web applications utilizing React in a couple of days.
    • Building dynamic web applications just got simpler. Building a powerful web application explicitly utilizing HTML strings was interesting on the grounds that it required complex coding, yet React tackled that issue and made it simpler.
    • React comprises numerous components, and every component has its own rationale and controls. These components are liable for rendering reusable pieces of HTML that can be reused any place you need it.
    • React has also become popular because of its handy set of devices. These tools make the designer's task clear and easy.
    • Conventional JavaScript systems have a SEO issue. React addresses this issue by assisting designers with exploring different web crawlers easily.

    Disadvantages of React

    • High development rates can make developers feel uncomfortable with consistently re-learning better approaches for working.
    • React development is updated and sped up so rapidly that there is no ideal opportunity to make legitimate documentation.
    • React just covers the application's UI layers and that's it. Along these lines, you actually need to pick different technologies to get a total set of development tools for the task.

    What is Next.js good for?

    • Create an online eCommerce store.
    • To create a landing page.
    • Create marketing websites.
    • When SEO is needed.

    Some of the use cases include:

    • Netflix
    • Nike
    • Ticketmaster
    • Invision
    • Hashnode
    • OpenCollective
    • Expo
    • Scale
    • Github
    • OpenCollective

    What is React good for?

    • React is a powerful tool.
    • Active/inactive navigation elements.
    • Dynamic inputs.
    • Active/disabled buttons.
    • Easy to deal with these complex structures.

    Some of the use cases include:

    • Facebook
    • Reddit
    • Airbnb
    • Tesla
    • Mattermark
    • Dropbox
    • CloudFlare
    • Atlassian
    • BBC


    While picking any software library or framework, developer experience is generally considered. Developers will in general support libraries or systems that are fun and simple to utilize. This is the principal reason we have driving libraries and frameworks today. 

    Both React and Next.js give incredible freedoms to developers in their own specific manner. React permits you to fabricate things the manner in which you need and is supported by a solid community. Next.js makes your life simpler with a few instruments and conventions accessible, and it is likewise supported by an extremely dynamic open source community.

    We hope that the comparisons and discussions in this blog post have given you some insight into the working of the NextJs and ReactJs and how you can use them in your projects.


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