Hire Angular Developers

    Hire Dedicated AngularJS Developers

    Join our 200+ satisfied customers who have trusted us with their personalized Angular projects. Hire our dedicated AngularJS programmers and onboard the team in just 2 days. Start your custom Angular project today!

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    Your Angular Development Solution Starts Here

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    Trusted by the world's most innovative teams

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    Quality-Driven Expertise

    Our Priorities & Commitments

    We are here first and foremost for our clients. We understand that each project we undertake is not merely a task, but a vision our clients wish to bring to life.

    Therefore, we commit ourselves to shaping this vision into tangible, measurable digital solutions that exceed our clients’ expectations. At Angular Minds, we don’t just develop software; we build partnerships that drive the growth of your business.

    Client-Centric Approach:
    As an Angular development company, we prioritize our clients’ needs and requirements. Our AngularJS developers are committed to delivering tailor-made Angular applications that align with your business goals.
    Writing Clean Code:
    Our Angular programmers adhere to best coding practices, ensuring the delivery of clean, maintainable, and scalable code.
    Transparent Communication:
    We believe in maintaining open communication with our clients throughout the AngularJS development process, ensuring transparency and mutual understanding.
    Timely Delivery:
    Our Angular developers are committed to delivering projects on time without compromising quality, ensuring your business operations run smoothly.
    Better Time Management:
    Our team of developers manages time efficiently, ensuring every project milestone is achieved within the stipulated timeline.
    Proactive Attitude:
    Our programmers proactively approach problem-solving, anticipating potential issues and addressing them head-on.
    Technical Proficiency:
    With a deep understanding of Angular material and related technologies, our AngularJS developers possess the technical proficiency to build robust and efficient applications.
    Agile Methodologies:
    We follow Agile methodologies in our AngularJS development services, allowing flexibility, regular feedback, and iterative development.
    Minimum Supervision Required:
    Our team of Angular developers is self-driven and requires minimal supervision, ensuring a hassle-free experience for our clients.
    Domain Expertise:
    With extensive experience across various domains, our developers can provide insightful solutions tailored to your specific needs.

    Industry Knowledge

    Hire Our Industry-Specific Angular Developers in India

    Choose from our pool of highly skilled 80+ AngularJS Developers in India specialized across all major industries.

    Our Angular Developers specialize in the finance industry, creating secure, efficient, and user-friendly web applications for banking, investment, trading, and payment processing. We ensure compliance with regulatory standards while enhancing user experiences in financial systems.
    Education (Edu)
    Our software development team is well-versed in building interactive e-learning platforms, web apps, student management systems, and virtual classrooms. We bridge technology and education, creating a dynamic learning experience for students and effective tools for educators.
    Angular Developers with expertise in web application development for the manufacturing sector, create applications that help streamline production processes, optimize supply chains, and enhance collaboration. We create web applications that improve operational efficiency and coordination across various departments in the manufacturing sector.
    Developers at Angular Minds have worked on multiple projects in the Healthcare Sector. They can create secure and user-friendly web applications like electronic health record (EHR) systems, telemedicine platforms, appointment scheduling tools, and other custom tools. They prioritize data security and patient care in their solutions.
    Technology-oriented Angular Developers create cutting-edge applications, whether SaaS platforms, cloud-based solutions, or API-driven applications. They leverage the latest frontend trends to deliver responsive, scalable, high-performance web experiences.
    Angular Developers in e-commerce develop dynamic online stores, shopping carts, and order management systems. They optimize user experiences, personalized recommendations, and secure checkout processes to drive conversion rates and customer loyalty.
    Angular Developers specializing in insurance create web applications that simplify policy management, claims processing, underwriting, and customer communication. They ensure compliance and streamline insurance processes for both customers and internal stakeholders.
    We can create web applications that enhance logistics, management, route optimization, and customer engagement in the transportation sector.

    Key Abilities

    Our Core Competencies

    At Angular Minds, our developers are skilled at using a range of tools and libraries to build high-quality applications with advanced security, availability, and good user experiences. The core competencies of our developers include the following.

    Angular Material
    Angular Material
    It is a comprehensive UI component library we utilize to its full potential, to design visually appealing and responsive user interfaces. With its wide array of customizable components, we’re able to create intuitive and user-friendly experiences that truly resonate with your users.
    Angular Universal for SSR
    Angular Universal for SSR
    We’re big advocates of Angular Universal for server-side rendering (SSR). This technique significantly enhances your application’s performance and user experience. It accelerates initial page loads, improves search engine visibility, and ensures a smooth and seamless user experience from start to finish.
    RxJS and NgRx
    RxJS and NgRx
    Our approach is centered around creating applications that are dynamic and scalable. We rely on RxJS and NgRx to achieve this. These libraries allow us to handle complex data streams, manage application states effectively, and build responsive interfaces that captivate users.
    Internationalization (i18n)
    Internationalization (i18n)
    We ensure that your Angular applications can easily switch languages and adapt to different time zones. This internationalization (i18n) feature allows you to reach a diverse audience, helping you connect with users worldwide while keeping their engagement and satisfaction at the forefront.
    NG Bootstrap
    NG Bootstrap
    To enhance the visual aesthetics and responsiveness of your applications, we integrate NG Bootstrap—a library rooted in Bootstrap. This ensures that your application looks great and functions smoothly across a wide range of devices and screen sizes, providing a consistent and seamless experience on all platforms.
    D3 for Reporting
    D3 for Reporting
    We use D3, a powerful data visualization library, to transform complex data into stunning and interactive reports. This allows you to extract meaningful insights from your data and make informed decisions.
    Jasmine & Karma for Unit Testing
    Jasmine & Karma for Unit Testing
    Quality assurance is our top priority, and hence, we use Jasmine and Karma for comprehensive unit testing. By meticulously testing each component, we ensure that your application is reliable and robust, guaranteeing a smooth and error-free operation.
    Cypress & Protractor for End-to-End Testing
    Cypress & Protractor for End-to-End Testing
    For thorough end-to-end (e2e) testing that accurately simulates real user interactions, we turn to Cypress and Protractor. This takes your application through a rigorous testing process ensuring a seamless user journey, regardless of the scenario, providing a flawless and satisfying user experience.
    Kendo UI
    Kendo UI
    Kendo UI for Angular is a powerful library that offers a comprehensive set of UI components and data visualization tools for building modern web applications with Angular. Kendo UI provides the tools and flexibility to enhance the user experience and deliver high-quality applications.

    Our expertise in these tools and libraries equips us to develop Angular applications that redefine limits and expand your business's potential. By collaborating with Angular Minds, you're paving the way for extraordinary projects that deliver an unparalleled user experience.

    Angular Proficiencies

    Our Capabilities

    Our Angular Developers in India are highly skilled and have a strong technical background, making them experts in front-end and back-end development. They bring a deep understanding of Angular and related technologies to the table, enabling them to tackle complex problems, come up with creative solutions, and build web applications that can easily adapt to the changing needs of the digital world today.

    Angular Framework

    Our Angular developers are exceptionally skilled in Angular development which allows them to build complex web applications using Angular's powerful components and modules.


    TypeScript is the foundation of modern Angular development. Our developers are proficient in TypeScript, using its static typing and advanced features to create robust and sustainable codebases.

    Component-Driven Architecture

    Our developers prefer to work with a component-driven architecture. They create modular and reusable components that improve code structure, scalability, and maintainability.

    Reactive Programming Skills

    Our developers are skilled in implementing reactive programming methods, such as RxJS. This allows them to manage asynchronous operations effectively and improve application responsiveness.

    RESTful API Integration

    Our developers are experts in integrating RESTful APIs and can smoothly connect frontend and backend systems to ensure smooth data flow between layers.

    Efficient State Management

    State management is crucial for seamless user experiences. Our developers skillfully handle complex scenarios using tools like NgRx to manage the state efficiently.

    Responsive Design

    Our developers create web applications that adapt effortlessly to all devices and screen sizes. They implement responsive design principles for a consistent user experience.

    Performance Optimization

    Our developers optimize application performance with the help of techniques such as lazy loading, code splitting, and caching. This results in quicker load times and smoother interactions.

    Testing and Debugging

    Our developers work on testing and debugging with a keen eye for detail, enabling them to identify and rectify issues, thereby ensuring the stability, strength, and reliability of applications.

    Collaboration-Ready Version Control

    By using powerful version control systems like Git, our developers collaborate to write and maintain code. This ensures teamwork and produces maintainable, reusable, and high-quality code.

    Continuous Integration and Deployment

    Our team of developers set up tools for continuous integration and automated deployment pipelines. This facilitates a smooth transition from the development to the production stage.

    Security-Centric Approach

    Our developers diligently follow the best practices for building secure applications. They are proactive towards safeguarding user data and ensuring minimal vulnerabilities in the process.

    Multi-Browser Compatibility

    Ensuring consistent experiences across browsers is part of our developers' commitment. They subject applications to rigorous testing across diverse browser environments.

    Cloud Integration

    Our developers adeptly integrate Angular applications with cloud services, unlocking scalability, adaptability, and efficient deployment.

    With these Angular-specific technical capabilities, our developers become equipped to craft remarkable solutions tailored to your unique needs. This competence ensures that your applications not only meet but consistently surpass the standards of the Angular development landscape.

    Hiring Made Uncomplicated

    Hire Dedicated Angular Developers From India in 4 Easy Steps

    Discover a personalized approach that aligns talents with a diverse range of technologies to cater to your project's unique needs. We simplify the talent selection process, ensuring a seamless fit for your requirements.


    Share Your Requirements

    Start the journey by sharing your development needs in web, mobile, or cloud technologies. We'll arrange a secure and confidential consultation to gain an in-depth understanding of your project's intricacies.


    Shortlist the Perfect Talent

    Our team meticulously evaluates talented developers across a wide spectrum of technologies. We thoughtfully curate a list of dedicated professionals tailored precisely to your project's specific demands.


    Interview the Chosen Talent

    Engage in interviews with carefully selected professionals whose skill sets perfectly match your diverse needs. This step ensures a personal connection between you and the potential team members, regardless of the technology involved.


    Onboard & Commence the Project

    Once you've identified ideal developers, our experts will guide you through the remote onboarding process. As you embark on your project journey, please take comfort in knowing that our unwavering support is continuously available.

    Dedicated Expertise

    Why Hire Angular Developers from Angular Minds

    Experienced Angular Developers
    Flexible Engagement Models
    160 Man-Hours Guaranteed
    Hand-Picked Vetted Talent
    Cost-Effective Solutions
    100% In-House Staff
    No Contract Lock-Ins
    Best Code Practices
    Quick Onboarding
    Developer Replacement
    angular minds employees collage
    Years of Experience
    Successful Projects
    Client Satisfaction Rate
    Clients Served


    Frequently Asked Questions to Hire Dedicated Angular JS Developers

    Do you still have any questions, let us know. We would be happy to assist.

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