Key Elements Of AngularJS Development That Every JavaScript Developer Should Know

    Thursday, June 22, 20174 min read5105 views
    Key Elements Of AngularJS Development That Every JavaScript Developer Should Know

    The web development world has been vastly flourishing with the great advancement in technology, frameworks, and improved development tools. The ever developing technology and programming fields have been evolving to be faster, dynamics, vibrant and bug-free. These have made other technologies a failure as they don’t show up with these properties and ever increasing needs of the programmers.

    AngularJS has emerged out to be a solid set of solution to all the requirements and need of the web developers. AngularJS is the Front-end Development Framework which has given JavaScript a limitless and great exposure. AngularJS is a magic sword in the hands of the web developers. Now the AngularJS developers can build web applications which are more dynamic and fast to develop. Developers can utilize AngularJS to build Single Web Page Applications. The web applications built are fast, extensible; fast loading web pages, reloading of the web page is faster and gives best user-friendly interface.

     AngularJS development companies are hiring AngularJS Developers who has the right knowledge of the framework and who are skilled in JavaScript to take their organization to the Pinnacle of Glory which the great customer services and satisfaction.  

    This article will give you a brief review of key elements of AngularJS development that every developer should know. This will help to bring out those features of AngularJS that you are yet to experience and also will prove a great assistance to those who are trying their hand on this Framework and want to include it in their endeavor.  

    What is AngularJS?

    AngularJS is a structural Framework which is developed and maintained by Google. It is a JavaScript MVC Framework which helps to build Single Page Web Application. It uses HTML for developing the front-end of any application. AngularJS is written inside the tags in the HTML page. It requires only HTML, CSS and JavaScript on the client side.

    From GetAngular to AngularJS

     Adam Abrons and Misko Hevery are two minds who developed AngularJS which is maintained by Google. Misko Hevery and his manager took the initiative to transform GetAngular to AngularJS with a formation of a new team within Google to create and maintain it. The whole idea came through a competition where the whole application of 16,000 lines was lined down to the 1,500 lines.

    Key Elements of AngularJS

    1. Data Binding

     Data binding provides the application with the smooth flow of data. Whenever there is any update in the model it automatically gets reflected in the view and vice versa. This decreases a lot of time invested to update. There is a proper synchronization between the Model and View Components.

    The Binding Source can be the expression written inside the double curly braces. An important feature of AngularJS is that it scales the expressions in curly braces ({{}}) before a binding update.

    AngularJS gives very well implemented MVC. A developer is needed to take care of Model- View - Controller separately and interlinking network part is taken care by the AngularJS. This makes it feels very natural to implement and work with the MVC Model.

          2. Dependency Injection

    An application is build of different modules and these are dependent on each other though they are instantiated separately. The process is working with the entire JavaScript construct. The dependency is injected with the directives, services, and controllers.

          3. Declarative User Interface

    AngularJS uses HTML for building the front end of the application. The declarative feature of HTML builds an application with a strong user interface. A user gets an output exactly what he is able to see. Users don’t have to take part in the process flow or worry about the data flow and the dependencies. The dependencies are taken care by Angular and the users get a naive feel of the application.

          4. The Unit testing

    AngularJS beats the traditional method of testing an application. Where a separate test code is written for each single component and tested for the functionality and out. AngularJS supports the unit testing where each component is tested with one single mock test code and taken care by the Dependency Injection.


    This gives us the clear thought about the key elements of AngularJS Framework and the amazing powers of growing JavaScript development. Due to these reasons, the developers are edging towards the AngularJS and the serving companies are hiring AngularJS developers for the building the excellent and dynamic applications for attaining their business goals.


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