Comparison Between Angular 11 vs Angular 12 vs Angular 13

    Saturday, December 4, 202117 min read81040 views
    Comparison Between Angular 11 vs Angular 12 vs Angular 13

    Web and Mobile applications have become an integral part of our personal and professional lives. This revolutionary change has led various development companies to look for a better option for building mobile & web apps and Angular is one of them.

    Angular is a javascript structure that is written in typescript. It was created by Google and dispatched to decouple an application's rationale from DOM control. It is mainstream as "Superheroic JavaScript MVW Framework" for the incredible and astounding highlights that it has.

    The incredible features assist designers with making some rich, superior applications without any problem. It is going to stick around for quite some time as it is created by Google. Angular released the latest stable version on the 12th of May, while the current version Angular 11 was launched on November 11. In the analysis of Angular 9 vs 10, we can see their differences in upgradation and deprecation and become a study material for a lot of web app development companies. 

    In this blog, we are going to study the comparison between Angular 11 vs Angular 12. Let’s have a look at their features and performances and major differences. 

    Angular 11 Features

    Angular 11 features

    The Angular v11 of Google-developed web framework is a production release and released on 14th November 2020. Some of the major features of this version include automatic inlining of fonts, router performance improvements, and stricter types. Let’s study more about it:

    Updated Hot Module Replacement (HMR) Support

    One of the major features of Angular 11 is the Hot Module Replacement mechanism that helps in replacing the modules without a full browser refresh. It is an old thought for Angular engineers where the group has worked with HMR in the earlier versions of Angular. Angular 11 supports HMR with the required configuration and design and incorporates the code in such a way that changes in Angular code look less ideal. With HMR the progressions to pacomponentsrts, styles, and formats are immediately updated into the running application without refreshing the full page.  

    Updates on Operation Byelog

    The Angular group has contributed some critical designing exertion on Operation Byelog where they focussed on the triaging issues and PRs and having a superior comprehension of the extensive community needs. With Angular 11, all the issues have now been successfully triaged in all of the three monorepos that proceed with the new issues that get announced. This interaction also assists with a couple of famous concerns as far as router and forms are concerned. The issues in Angular 11 will be triaged in about fourteen days from the date of the event, which helps to reduce the size of the Angular backlog. 

    Automatic Inlining of Fonts

    Angular 11 features automatic font inlining that happens each time clients flag in the angular.json. Angular inlining assists the Google Fonts to change over in a manner that inlines the file HTML. The inline text styles get downloaded in the Angular CLI during compile time that is used and is connected in the application. The features of Angular 11 exploit the default improvement for the build to run on the CI at whatever point the web is accessible. 

    Component Test Harnesses

    The Component Test Harnesses provides an incredible and clear API surface that helps with testing the Angular Material parts. It gives a way to deal with developers to speak with Angular Material components by using the maintained API while testing. This element was first presented in Angular 9. The difference in component Test Harnesses in Angular 9 vs Angular 11 is that Angular 11 accompanies an equal capacity, execution upgrades, and new APIs.  The manual change detection function assists the engineers with debilitating the programmed change recognition in unit tests as well as avail the better-grained control of change detection. 

    Updated Language Service Preview

    The Angular Language Service in Angular 11 gives supportive devices to creating usefulness and fun inside the Angular environment. The current type of language organization depends upon View Engine that gives even more noteworthy and exact insight for designers. Angular 11 changes the norm for the language organization to precisely infer non-exclusive types in templates and layouts exactly like how the TypeScript compiler does. This element still being developed gives a new all the more impressive and precise Ivy-based language administration. 

    Faster Builds

    The development of faster builds in Angular 11 has brought updates into some key regions, which are, Ngcc - the Angular compiler and TypeScript v4.0. Angular 11 features the ngcc update measure in a 4x quicker interaction with the goal that clients should invest generally less energy waiting for the forms and rebuilds to finish. While profiling the Angular compiler, the Angular donor Joost makes the Typescript compiler quicker to improve the Ngcc, setting up the Angular climate for Typescript 4.1, which will get faster builds. 

    Experimental Webpack 5 Support

    The use of webpack 5 is supported in Angular 11 that fuses incalculable documents into a single group. Webpack 5 is the most recent form that was delivered a while back. At the present time, one can investigate contrasts with respect to module organization. This webpack v5, later on, will clear the path for Faster forms and disk caching along with smaller groups with cjs tree-shaking. 

    Moving to eSLint

    The performance improvements in Angular 11 support the deprecation of the utilization of TSLint and Codelyzer which have been delivering a default execution for linting in the past versions of Angular. It is quite possibly the main change in Angular version 11. Angular developers appear to deprecate the utilization of the TSLint and rather prescribe relocation to ESLint. The developers have guaranteed smooth progress by working together on the supported linting stack.


    The major difference between Angular 11 versus Angular 12 is the utilization of the router. In Angular 11, new boundary types will permit a variable of type NavigationExtras to be passed in. In any case, they don't let the object literals pass in as they determine known properties and types just that don't share properties in every practical sense, with the ones in the Pick. This issue can be fixed by the clients who can determine properties from the NavigationExtras. 


    The changes made in Angular 11 have improved the composing for validators and asyncValidators that were previously not accessible. Kind of AbstractFormControl.parent in Angular 11 consolidates null that is associated with sorts of .parent. Angular version 11 migration adds the non-invalid attestation administrator any place it's required. The async validators in The FormControl, FormGroup, and FormArray class that were at first characterized at the initialization time are presently radiated into the statusChanges perceptible. 

    Angular V11: Breaking Changes and New Deprecations

    • Angular 11 supports Typescript 4.0 and has dropped the support for TypeScript 3.9.
    • The roadmap has been updated allowing the developers to provide early feedback for the final release.
    • Angular 11 has fixed the typing for date and number pipe.
    • The value for an undefined input in the async pipe will not return null anymore.
    • IE 9, 10, and IE mobile browser support is removed.
    • CollectionChangeRecord is deprecated and replaced by IterableChangeRecord.
    • The Angular Universal in Angular 11 vs Angular 12 needs to have the baseUrl parameter for using useAbsoluteUrl baseUrl for overriding the port.
    • Angular 11 has enabled all the strict checks generating the angular application.
    • The extra package.json will no longer be created to avoid confusion in the performance of Angular 11.
    • Angular CLI generator for resolvers will go as ng g r/resolve <name>

    Read More: All You Need To Know About Angular Engine Ivy

    Angular 12 Features

    Angular 12 features

    Angular version 12 released on 12th May, is the latest and the newest version of the Google-developed web framework as a stable one. Some of the major improvements of this version are improvement in styling, Typescript 4.2, webpack 5 support, etc. Let’s study the features in detail.

    Ivy Everywhere

    Amongst many deprecations in the Angular environment, the deprecation of the View Engine in Angular 12 is certainly the most important of all the deprecations. This deprecation will be eliminated in future significant releases as well. The Ivy everywhere refers to the methodology that works towards the objective of combining the Angular ecosystem on Ivy. The View Engines are being used by the developers, however, the developers are wanting to transition to Ivy as soon as possible. 

    Migrating from legacy i18n message IDs

    Since Angular version 11, new tasks are normally intended to use the new message ids and they as of now have the tooling to move existing endeavors with existing interpretations. In the current version, there are diverse legacy message-id plans being used in the i18n system. These inheritance message-ids are fragile as issues can arise subject to whitespace and the getting sorted out organizations and ICU articulations. To handle this issue the community is moving away from them. The new standard message-id configuration is significantly more extreme and common. This arrangement will lessen the pointless interpretation invalidation and related retranslation cost in applications where interpretations don't facilitate due to whitespace changes for example. 

    Protractor: planning for future

    The fate of the protractor is now with the Angular team and the community. They are currently now investigating the input shared in the RFC and figuring out the best future for Protractor. The group has decided to prohibit it in new tasks and, in light of everything, furnish alternatives with acclaimed outsider arrangements in the Angular CLI. The group is as of now working with Cypress, WebdriverIO, and TestCafe to help angularjs development company with getting elective arrangements. More information to come as this develops. 

    Improvements in styling

    In Angular v12, Components will have support for inline Sass in the styles field of the @Component decorator. Angular CDK and Angular Material have received Sass’s new module system inside. If your application uses Angular CDK or Angular Material, it is important to change from node-sass to the sass npm package. The node-sass package is unmaintained and no longer stays mindful of new feature additions to the Sass language. 

    Deprecating support for IE11

    The evergreen platform of Angular suggests that it keeps up with the propelling web ecosystem. Eliminating help for legacy browsers licenses them to focus on giving modern arrangements and better assistance to designers and customers. The team has additionally incorporated another deprecation warning message as another Angular 12 element — and eliminated support for IE11 in Angular v13. 

    Support from the Community

    The angular community has stepped up to work diligently for improving the Angular experience. They are constantly endeavoring to improve the Angular learning experience for designers.  As a part of Angular 12 new highlights, they have carried out some huge upgrades to their documentation. They have additionally refreshed the contributor's guide that will help people wanting to improve the docs. 

    Typescript 4.2

    The support of Typescript 4.2 is one of the major updates of Angular 12.2. It was released on the 23rd of February with some exciting features and breaking changes that have impacted the developers and Angular 12. Some of the features of Typescript 4.2 are changes in tuple types, abstract construct signatures, improvements for in operator, improved type alias, improvements to the compile process.

    Angular Universal

    One of the significant upgrades of the Angular 12 feature is Inline basic CSS that is of course in the nguniversal/normal. The Angular universal now upholds intermediary arrangement in ssr-dev-worker developer. It has also updated schematics to utilize the default configuration. This rendition supports an SSR motor called Clover alongside another motor which appears to be encouraging. The new motor intends to improve on things to produce application shells without an additional form and eliminate the necessity for various forms for SSR/prerender. 

    Webpack 5.37 support

    Angular 12 features the support for the production-ready experimental Webpack 5 that was first introduced in Angular 11. This is one of the major differences between Angular 11 vs Angular 12. Webpack is the fundamental piece of the Angular CLI puzzle, and it has a significant influence on bundle size, builds execution, etc. Webpack 5 is a critical conveyance which is as it ought to be. It joins different breaking changes and highlights. Webpack 5 aids in Improving the long-term caching, form execution, similarity with the Web stage, bundle size with better code generation. 

    Nullish Coalescing

    This Feature of Angular 12 has helped developers to write cleaner code in TypeScript classes. Angular templates in v12 can even bring the force of nullish coalescing with the new syntax structure which can be utilized by the developers to improve the complex conditionals. 

    For instance:{{age !== null && age !== undefined ? age : calculateAge() }} 
    {{ age ?? calculateAge() }}

    New Dev Tools

    Two or three days after the Angular 12 release date, the Angular team has detailed the accessibility of Angular Dev Tools for Google Chrome. The implanted profiler can see and record the change recognition events which can be checked regarding which detection cycle and parts took the most significant length of time. Prior the Angular community had semi-official Dev Tools which were not viable with Ivy. So this is a mutually beneficial solution for all. 

    ng API improvements

    The ng troubleshooting API is one of the improved features of Angular 12. There are a couple of functionalities that have been executed specifically getDirectiveMetadata and esetProfiler to investigate APIs for primary review of utilizations. The getDirectiveMetadata can be used to recuperate information about parts and directives. The esetProfiler can be utilized to follow layout creation lengths, lifecycle hooks preparing, and format updates. The API also can give knowledge into the working of the applications at runtime.

    Angular Version 12 vs 11 : Breaking Changes and New Deprecations:

    • The HMR in Angular 11 vs Angular 12 is enabled while initiating an application with ng serve.
    • The automatic lining of Fonts.
    • Improved logging and reporting better CLI readability.
    • minified UMDs are not generating in Ng_package anymore.
    • fine-tuned control is added in routerLinkActiveOptions.
    • The strict mode of Angular 12 vs Angular 11 has now been enabled by default in the CLI.
    • legacy i18n message-ids are no longer generated through linked libraries.
    • Migration from opt-in service to default Ivy-based Language Service. 
    • Improved component tests harness in Angular 12 has now been added.
    • Improved Ng build command as a default to a production build.
    • Http improvements for requests and interceptors, HttpParams and HttpStatusCode.
    • Updated the roadmap for developers to keep them updated about the priorities of the Angular team. 

    How to Upgrade Your Angular Application to Latest Version

    Here is the quick guide to update your Angular application from angular 11 to angular 12 or the latest version.

    Update Angular CLI and Node globally

    First, check your current Node version and Angular CLI version. Upgrading Node helps us avoid vulnerability issues and update Angular CLI to the latest stable NPM packages.

    Download & Install Latest Node.js version from: (for windows)

    To install node.js on Linux use the following command:

    sudo apt install nodejs

    Once installed, verify it by checking the installed version using the command:

    node -v or node –version

    To install NPM, use the following commands:

    sudo apt install npm or npm install -g npm

    Upgrade Typescript to the latest version using the following npm command:

    npm install -g typescript@latest or 
    npm update -g typescript

    Once installed, verify it by checking the installed version using the command:

    tsc -v

    Now, we will update the Angular version and package JSON Dependencies using below npm command:

    ng update @angular/core@12 @angular/cli@12 or 
    ng install @angular/cli @angular/core

    Install the latest stable version of Angular Material. If you would like to target a specific version, you would have to specify it by adding the version to the end after an @ symbol.

    ng update @angular/material

    Now it will upgrade your dependencies including typescript v4.2 to Angular 12 or the latest version released i,e Angular 12.2. Now, after this command, whenever you create a new Angular application, it will create with Angular/CLI 12.

    The last step is to check and test the unit test case, as the ng update command migrates all the files including .spec.ts.

    • Version-wise Browser-compatibility
    • Mobile compatibility and supported mobile browsers with versions
    • Unit test case

    This will effectively complete the upgrading of your project from Angular 11 to Angular 12.


    In the comparison of Angular version 11 vs Angular version 12, we have learned about their breaking changes, performance & the changes in the core structure, and various other deprecations and upgrades. Angular 12 release was within a few months after the release of Angular 11. However, looks like we can expect the next stable version by end of the year.

    Angular v11 Angular v12
    Typescript 4.0 Typescript 4.2
    Webpack 5 Support Webpack 5.37 Support
    Migration to ESLint Migrating from legacy i18n message IDs
    Deprecation of IE 9, 10, and IE mobile. Deprecating support for IE11.
    Updates on Operation Byelog.
    Improved component tests harness.
    Updated Language Service Preview.
    Http improvements.
    strict checks with a flag. Default strict mode
    Roadmap to provide early feedback Roadmap to inform about the priorities of the Angular team
    Updated Language Service Preview Migration to default IVY-based language service
    New Default Browser Configuration Updated Language Service Preview
    Improved Ngcc compiler Improved logging and reporting

    Read More: Angular 13: Top New Features And Updates

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