Steps to Host an Angular App in GitHub Pages

    Wednesday, June 26, 202410 min read2180 views
    Steps to Host an Angular App in GitHub Pages

    Web applications can be built in different ways. One common approach is to have multiple pages, which often means tightly coupled the front and back ends. Think of it like building a book with each page connected to the others.

    On the other hand, there's the single-page approach, where the front end and the back end are more separate. It's like having a front and back cover with all the pages inside, but they're not glued together.

    Single-page applications are popular because they're easier to maintain, offer better user experiences, and handle caching well. To build them, developers use frameworks like Angular, React, Svelte, or Vue.js.

    But once you've built your single-page app, you need to put it somewhere so people can access it on the internet. You could set up your own server, but that can be complicated. Or you can use a service like GitHub Pages, which is free and easy to use.

    Introduction to GitHub Pages

    GitHub Pages is a website hosting service provided by GitHub, a popular platform for hosting software development projects using Git. It allows users to host websites directly from their GitHub repositories.

    This service is particularly useful for developers, as it seamlessly integrates with their existing GitHub workflow and provides free hosting for personal and project websites. GitHub Pages is a free service from GitHub that lets developers turn their code into websites.

    Basically, if you have HTML files, JavaScript, and CSS files for a website stored in a GitHub repository, you can make those files public so anyone can see your site.

    One cool thing about GitHub Pages is that it works seamlessly with other GitHub features. For example, you can use GitHub Actions to run tests on your website code.

    Plus, GitHub Pages gives you a free web address that ends in "". If you already have your own domain name, you can use that instead.


    Before we dive into the Angular web hosting process, make sure you have the following prerequisites:

    1. Basic understanding of Angular

    Familiarity with Angular framework and Angular CLI is essential for building Angular applications.

    2. GitHub Account

    You'll need a GitHub account to create repositories and host your Angular app on GitHub Pages.

    3. Node.js and npm

    Make sure Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager) are installed on your computer for development.

    Step-by-Step Guide to Host Your Angular App on GitHub Pages

    Creating a single-page application with Angular

    To create a single-page application (SPA) with Angular, you'll use a tool called Angular CLI. It helps with setting up and managing Angular projects. If you already have an Angular app ready, you can skip to the next part.

    Here's how to install Angular CLI:

    Open your terminal or command prompt.

    Type the following command and press Enter:

    npm install -g @angular/cli

    This command installs Angular CLI globally on your computer. Once it's done, you're ready to create your Angular app.

    Now, to create your Angular app, you'll use Angular CLI again. Here's what you need to do:

    Open your terminal or command prompt.

    Type the following command:

    ng new deploy-gitpage

    Replace "deploy-gitpage" with the name you want for html file in your app. Then, press Enter.

    This command sets up a new Angular application for you with all the necessary files and file configurations. It might take a little while to finish, but once it's done, you'll have your Angular app ready to go.

    Once your Angular app is set up, you can start working on it and see how it looks in your browser. Here's how:

    Open your terminal or command prompt.

    Navigate to your app's directory by typing:

    cd deploy-gitpage

    Replace "deploy-gitpage" with the name you chose for your app.

    Now, start the local development server by typing:

    ng serve --open

    This command will compile and run your Angular application and open it in your default web browser.

    Local running angular application:

    hello deploy git page

    To deploy your Angular app on GitHub Pages, start by creating a GitHub repository for your site. If you haven't stored your code on GitHub yet, create a new repository.

    Note that GitHub Pages is available in public repositories with Free plan . For private repositories, it is available with GitHub Pro, GitHub Team, GitHub enterprise cloud cloud and GitHub enterprise on server.

    If you want your website to appear at the root of your GitHub Pages subdomain, name your repository "<username>". Otherwise, it will be published to "<username><repositoryname>". Once your repository is set up, you're ready to move on to the next step.

    When you create an Angular app using Angular CLI, it automatically sets up a Git repository for you. This means your project is already being tracked by Git locally. To connect your local repository to the GitHub repository you just created, you need to add a new remote reference.

    This remote reference will point to your GitHub repository and allow you to push your code to GitHub. Once this is done, you'll be able to manage your code both locally and on GitHub.

    Is it Challenging to host your Angular App on GitHub Pages?
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    git remote add origin<github username>/<repositoryname>.git
    git push -u origin master

    Pushed local code on GitHub repository:

    pushed local code on GitHub repository

    To enable deployment of your Angular app to GitHub Pages, you'll need to add the Angular GitHub Pages external library. You can do this by running the following command:

    ng add angular-cli-ghpages

    This command extends the Angular CLI by adding support for deploying to GitHub Pages.

    Once you've added the library, you can use the deploy command to deploy your Angular application to GitHub Pages. Simply run:

    ng deploy --base-href=/test-deploy/

    Replace "test-deploy" with the your <repositoryname>.

    This command will deploy your current Angular application to GitHub Pages, making it accessible to the public. The index file serves as the main entry point for a website or application and publishing source determines the branch, folder, or directory from which GitHub Pages serves site's files.

    accessible to the public

    Once you run the ng deploy command, Angular CLI will build your application and push the final static files to the gh-pages branch of your GitHub repository. After the first successful deployment, GitHub will automatically enable the GitHub Pages feature for new file in your repository.

    You can find more information about GitHub Pages in the Settings tab of your repository, under the GitHub Pages section. Here, you'll see options for customizing your GitHub Pages site, such as choosing a custom domain or enabling HTTPS. Once GitHub Pages is enabled, your Angular application will be accessible to the public at the GitHub Pages URL associated with the project folder your site's repository.

    Github Pages settings:

    Github pages settings

    Your website should now be accessible via the URL: https://<username><repositoryname>. This means that anyone with internet access can visit your website by typing this URL into their web browser.

    Deployed angular application on Github pages:

    Deployed angular application on Github pages

    To streamline your development workflow for web applications hosted on GitHub Pages, it's essential to maintain separate branches for your source code and final static files. Here we can use the master branch to manage application's source code, where we can make frequent updates, improvements, and extensions as needed.

    Once the changes are complete, deploy them to the gh-pages branch, which is reserved for the final static files of your application. This approach allows you to keep your source code organized and easily deploy updates. GitHub pages support is necessary, to ensure a smooth and efficient development process.

    Limitations of GitHub Pages

    GitHub Pages is indeed a fantastic free service for hosting static websites, but it does come with some limitations to keep in mind.

    Firstly, the static content size is limited to 1GB. This means you won't be able to upload large media files like videos or extensive datasets directly to GitHub Pages. Additionally, there's a monthly bandwidth limit of 100GB. This limit is quite generous for most small to medium-sized websites, but it's something to be aware of if your site experiences high traffic.

    When deploying your website on GitHub Pages, keep in mind that the deployment process has a time limit of 10 minutes. If it takes longer than that, the deployment will timeout and may fail. Additionally, GitHub Pages have a soft limit of 10 builds per hour, so you should avoid triggering deployments too frequently to stay within this limit.

    It's worth noting that GitHub Pages isn't recommended for hosting dynamic websites or enterprise applications websites due to its limitations and the lack of support for server-side processing. However, for developers looking to publish open-source web applications, documentation, games, landing pages, blogs, or similar content, GitHub Pages is an excellent choice. It's particularly well-suited for showcasing projects, sharing documentation, and providing access to open-source software.

    Overall, while GitHub Pages may not be suitable for every type of website, it's a valuable resource for developers and creators looking to share their work with the world in a simple and cost-effective way.

    Concluding Thoughts

    Hosting an Angular app on GitHub Pages is a straightforward process that allows you to share your web applications with a global audience quickly. By following the step-by-step guide outlined in this article, you can deploy your Angular projects to GitHub Pages with ease.

    Whether you're a seasoned developer or new to web development, GitHub Pages provides a convenient and cost-effective hosting solution for your Angular apps. Start hosting your Angular projects on GitHub Pages today and showcase your creativity to the world.


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