React vs Angular Detail Comparison: Which is Better?

    Wednesday, November 29, 20175 min read18082 views
    React vs Angular Detail Comparison: Which is Better?

    In 2017, pushing out a finished, polished application well before your competitor is key. Coding everything from scratch, excluding even the normal things, can be extremely time-consuming and makes the developer spend time reinventing the wheel, time which would rather be spent implementing new features or tightening up the code base.

    This is where web application development frameworks come in. They often cover all the usual aspects of an application including database access, authentication, session management and much more. So we will be mostly focusing on the two Javascript frameworks in this article i,e AngularJS vs ReactJS.

    Angular and React are two new web technologies on the rise. Many business owners, technical decision makers, and project managers are having difficulties about making a choice between these two. The amount of JavaScript tools is steadily increasing, turning the selection of appropriate technology into a challenge. While among the top discussions is AngularJS vs. ReactJS, both are highly-performing, advanced, and widely used worldwide.

    AngularJS vs ReactJS: Framework vs Library

    AngularJS is managed by Google and ReactJS is owned by Facebook. Both of them are unique and resourceful in their own ways. These frameworks are quite easy to use with the high-end potential to build cutting-edge mobile and web applications.

    Let's get down to the specific specialities of both the frameworks, let us discuss the similarities first. This will give us the clear picture of the basic features they both offer:

    JavaScript: In both the cases, JavaScript (ES5 and ES6) is fundamental. As both are from the same language background, hence flexibility and reliability are the same.

    CSS3: You cannot perform serious front-end coding without CSS3. Luckily both the frameworks support CSS3 and give you more opportunity to do better.

    HTML5: Like other frameworks, for these two also HTML5 is obvious. Though the depth of knowledge required for both the frameworks is not same they have quite similar applications.

    According to 2017 State of JS research, Vue and React tops the list when respondents were asked about their satisfaction levels.

    However, when they were asked about their interest, React gained on Angular.


    The key differences between AngularJS and ReactJS are as follows:

    DOM Manipulation:

    Angular: AngularJS update the Real DOM directly. It has two-way data binding which updates the MVC.

    Reactjs : ReactJS does not update the Real DOM directly but it updates the Virtual DOM. It performs one-way data which updates the view. React is all about components.


    Angular: Powerful CLI and it's design makes it more scalable.

    React : Efficient workflow is very important so that code can be easily tested and deployed therefore more scalable than angular.

    library compatibility 

    Angular would have done better, if not Typescript that requires type definitions for every library.

    React. Although it doesn’t work with DOM, it is pure JavaScript logic and its popularity even the DOM based libraries have their alternative in React.

    Beyond the web

    This is where there is a lot to talk about; native rendering. All libraries are capable of doing so, but some of them perform better than others.

    Angular: Comes with ionic 2 and native script, but neither of those mobile frameworks allows angular to reach the performance of react native.

    React : Comes with react native, Alibaba rax, react Windows and next.js, it is the best choice for developing mobile apps.


    Angular: Angular on the other hand,it is quite easy and simple to understand . Its inherent complexity sometimes causes confusion.

    React: React is not simple by any means and it takes quite some time to set up a project.

    Development time

    Angular: although being very competitive, the amount of unnecessary syntax it requires to do simple things puts angular in the last place.

    React: Takes longer to set up, but then you can start to make an app and it should be relatively easy to add new features.



    React and Angular offer completely diverse approaches to web application development for startup, small and mid-market businesses. Both technologies are powerful and flexible, while none of them is worse or better than the other. Depending upon custom app goals and particular system constraints, developers can run from ng-2 to React, and back.

    Opting for Angular, it usually assumes the creation of core skeleton for a front-end app, whereas React.js can be applied to improve its specific parts. Moreover, it can be integrated with other frameworks, like Backbone or even well-known Angular.

    Also check our article:- 5 Most Popular JavaScript Frameworks of 2017 


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